Phalanx-provided requirements

The following requirements are provided by Phalanx. Since Phalanx is the only supported deployment mechanism for Gafaelfawr and provides these requirements, normally users won’t have to think about them. If you are modifying Phalanx or if you’re trying to use Gafaelfawr outside of the Phalanx environment, however, you should be aware of them.

The NGINX ingress controller must already be configured and working. Gafaelfawr only supports that ingress controller. Gafaelfawr also expects TLS termination to be done by the ingress controller.

Kubernetes 1.19 or later is required to use GafaelfawrIngress (see Configuring ingress with GafaelfawrIngress), since the generated ingress will use the API introduced in that version.

Gafaelfawr requires Vault to store secrets and Vault Secrets Operator to materialize those secrets as Kubernetes secrets.

Client IP addresses

Gafaelfawr attempts to log the IP address of the client in each log message. Since Gafaelfawr always expects to be running behind a proxy server, the IP address is taken from the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header if present. If that header is not present, the connecting IP address will be used as the IP address of the remote client, but this almost certainly indicates Gafaelfawr has not been deployed correctly.

Making this work properly requires some additional NGINX configuration:

  1. Configure the NGINX ingress to generate full, chained X-Forwarded-For headers. Do this by adding the following to the ConfigMap for the ingress-nginx service:

      compute-full-forwarded-for: "true"
      use-forwarded-headers: "true"

    See the NGINX Ingress Controller documentation for more details. Be aware that this will affect every service behind the NGINX ingress, not just Gafaelfawr, so all other services must be prepared for receiving a full X-Forwaded-For header, possibly including (on the left-most end) addresses sent by a malicious client. There is more information at the Wikipedia article on X-Forwarded-For.

    This workaround would no longer be needed if this feature request for the NGINX ingress were implemented.

  2. Disable Kubernetes source IP NAT for the NGINX ingress. This is required on GKE and may be required on other Kubernetes environments. Do this by adding spec.externalTrafficPolicy to Local in the Service resource definition for the NGINX ingress controller. This comes with some caveats and drawbacks. See the Kubernetes documentation for more details.

If you are using the ingress-nginx Helm chart, you can make both of the required NGINX ingress changes with the following values.yaml file:

      compute-full-forwarded-for: "true"
      use-forwarded-headers: "true"
      externalTrafficPolicy: Local

You may also need to set the proxies Helm configuration setting to the list of networks used for the NGINX ingress and any other proxies. See Logging and proxies for more details.

Error handling

Gafaelfawr-generated ingresses use a custom location as an error_page target to pass Gafaelfawr errors back to the client. This workaround is required because the NGINX auth_request module can only handle 401 and 403 responses and converts all other failure responses to 500 errors, but Gafaelfawr wants to use other HTTP status codes such as 400.

This custom location must be injected into every NGINX server block so that it is available for Gafaelfawr’s use. This is done by adding a server-snippet key to the ingress-nginx ConfigMap using the following setting in the values.yaml file for ingress-nginx:

      server-snippet: |
         set $auth_error_body '';
         set $auth_status '';
         set $auth_www_authenticate '';
         location @autherror {
           default_type application/json;
           if ($auth_status = 400) {
             add_header Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store" always;
             add_header WWW-Authenticate $auth_www_authenticate always;
             return 400 $auth_error_body;
           add_header Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store" always;
           add_header WWW-Authenticate $auth_www_authenticate always;
           return 403;

This will be added to every server block, not just the ones used by Gafaelfawr-protected services, and therefore may be unused, but this should be harmless.