Development guide

This page provides procedures and guidelines for developing and contributing to Gafaelfawr.

Scope of contributions

Gafaelfawr is an open source package, meaning that you can contribute to Gafaelfawr itself, or fork Gafaelfawr for your own purposes.

Since Gafaelfawr is intended for internal use by Rubin Observatory, community contributions can only be accepted if they align with Rubin Observatory’s aims. For that reason, it’s a good idea to propose changes with a new GitHub issue before investing time in making a pull request.

Gafaelfawr is developed by the LSST SQuaRE team.

Setting up a local development environment

To develop Gafaelfawr, create a virtual environment with your method of choice (like virtualenvwrapper) and then clone or fork, and install:

git clone
cd gafaelfawr
make init

This init step does three things:

  1. Installs Gafaelfawr in an editable mode with its “dev” extra that includes test and documentation dependencies.

  2. Installs pre-commit, tox, and tox-docker.

  3. Installs the pre-commit hooks.

On macOS hosts, you may also need to run the following in the terminal window where you run make init and where you intend to run tox commands:

export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"

Otherwise, OpenSSL isn’t on the default linker path and some Python extensions may not build.

Pre-commit hooks

The pre-commit hooks, which are automatically installed by running the make init command on set up, ensure that files are valid and properly formatted. Some pre-commit hooks automatically reformat code:


Lint Python code and attempt to automatically fix some problems.


Automatically formats Python code in reStructuredText documentation and docstrings.

When these hooks fail, your Git commit will be aborted. To proceed, stage the new modifications and proceed with your Git commit.

Building the UI

Before running tests, you must build the UI. The Gafaelfawr UI is written in JavaScript and contained in the ui subdirectory. To build it, run (from the top level):

make ui

You will need to have Node.js and npm installed. The easiest way to do this is generally to use nvm. Gafaelfawr provides an .nvmrc file that sets the version of Node.js to what is currently used to build the UI in GitHub Actions for the official Docker image.

Running tests

To test all components of Gafaelfawr other than the Kubernetes operator (see below), run tox, which tests the library the same way that the CI workflow does:

tox run

This uses tox-docker to start PostgreSQL and Redis Docker containers for the tess to use, so Docker must be installed and the user running tox must have permission to create Docker containers.

To run the Selenium tests, you will need to have chromedriver installed. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, you can install this with apt install chromium-driver.

To run the tests with coverage analysis and generate a report, run:

tox run -e py-coverage,coverage-report

To see a listing of test environments, run:

tox list

To run a specific test or list of tests, you can add test file names (and any other pytest options) after -- when executing the py or py-full tox environment. For example:

tox run -e py -- tests/handlers/

You can run a specific test function by appending two colons and the function name to the end of the file name.

Testing the Kubernetes operator

To test the Kubernetes operator, you must have a Kubernetes cluster available that is not already running Gafaelfawr. This is only tested with Minikube, which is the approach used by CI.


The default Kubernetes credentials in your local Kubernetes configuration will be used to run the tests, whatever cluster that points to. In theory, you can use a regular Kubernetes cluster and only test namespaces starting with test- will be affected.

In practice, this is not tested, and it is possible the tests will damage or destroy other applications or data running on the same Kubernetes cluster.

If you want to run these tests manually rather than via CI, using Minikube for tests and carefully verifying that the default Kubernetes credentials are for the Minikube environment is strongly encouraged.

To set up Minikube:

  1. Install Minikube for your platform.

  2. Start a cluster using the Docker driver with the minimum recommended resources:

    minikube start --driver=docker --cpus=4 --memory=8g --disk-size=100g  --kubernetes-version=1.21.5

    The --kubernetes-version option can be used to specify the Kubernetes version to use.

  3. Enable the NGINX Ingress Controller using the Minikube ingress addon:

    minikube addons enable ingress

To run all of the tests including Kubernetes tests, first check that your default Kubernetes environment is the one in which you want to run tests:

kubectl config current-context

Then, run:

tox run -e py-full

Add the coverage-report environment to also get a test coverage report.

Running a development server

Properly and fully testing Gafaelfawr requires deploying it in a Kubernetes cluster and testing its interactions with Kubernetes and the NGINX ingress. Gafaelfawr therefore doesn’t support starting a local development server; that would only allow limited testing of the API and UI, and in practice we never used that ability when we supported it.

Therefore, to run a development version of Gafaelfawr for more thorough manual testing, deploy it in a development Phalanx environment. See the Phalanx documentation for more details on how to do this.

You will generally want to override the Gafaelfawr image and pull policy in your Phalanx development branch to point at the Docker image for your development version. Do this by adding the following to the appropriate values-environment.yaml file:

  tag: tickets-DM-XXXXX
  pullPolicy: Always

Replace the tag with the name of your development branch. Slashes will be replaced with underscores.


Be sure you use a branch naming pattern that will cause the Gafaelfawr GitHub Actions configuration to build and upload a Docker image. By default, this means the branch name must begin with tickets/. You can change this in .github/workflows/ci.yaml under the build step.

Creating database migrations

Gafaelfawr uses Alembic to manage and perform database migrations. Alembic is invoked automatically when the Gafaelfawr server is started.

Whenever the database schema changes, you will need to create an Alembic migration. To do this, take the following steps. You must have Docker running locally on your system and have the docker-compose command installed.

  1. Start a PostgreSQL server into which the current database schema can be created.

    docker-compose -f alembic/docker-compose.yaml up
  2. Install the current database schema into that PostgreSQL server. This must be done with a Gafaelfawr working tree that does not contain any changes to the database schema. If you have already made changes that would change the database schema, use git stash, switch to another branch, or otherwise temporarily revert those changes before running this command.

    tox run -e gafaelfawr -- init
  3. Apply the code changes that will change the database schema.

  4. Ask Alembic to autogenerate a database migration to the new schema.

    tox run -e alembic -- revision --autogenerate -m "<message>"

    Replace <message> with a short human-readable summary of the change, ending in a period. This will create a new file in alembic/versions.

  5. Edit the created file in alembic/versions and adjust it as necessary. See the Alembic documentation for details about what Alembic can and cannot autodetect.

    One common change that Alembic cannot autodetect is changes to the valid values of enum types. You will need to add Alembic code to the upgrade function of the migration such as:

    op.execute("ALTER TYPE tokentype ADD VALUE 'oidc' IF NOT EXISTS")

    You may want to connect to the PostgreSQL database with the psql command-line tool so that you can examine the schema to understand what the migration needs to do. For example, you can see a description of a table with d table, which will tell you the name of an enum type that you may need to modify. To do this, run:

    psql <uri>

    where <uri> is the URI to the local PostgreSQL database, which you can find in the databaseUrl configuration parameter in alembic/gafaelfawr.yaml.

  6. Stop the running PostgreSQL container.

    docker-compose -f alembic/docker-compose.yaml down

Building documentation

Documentation is built with Sphinx:

tox run -e docs

The build documentation is located in the docs/_build/html directory.

To check the documentation for broken links, run:

tox run -e docs-linkcheck

Updating the change log

Gafaelfawr uses scriv to maintain its change log.

When preparing a pull request, run scriv create. This will create a change log fragment in changelog.d. Edit that fragment, removing the sections that do not apply and adding entries fo this pull request. You can pass the --edit flag to scriv create to open the created fragment automatically in an editor.

Change log entries use the following sections:

  • Backward-incompatible changes

  • New features

  • Bug fixes

  • Other changes (for minor, patch-level changes that are not bug fixes, such as logging formatting changes or updates to the documentation)

Versioning assumes that Gafaelfawr is installed via Phalanx, so changes to its internal configuration file do not count as backward-incompatible chnages unless they require changes to Helm values.yaml files.

Do not include a change log entry solely for updating pinned dependencies, without any visible change to Gafaelfawr’s behavior. Every release is implicitly assumed to update all pinned dependencies.

These entries will eventually be cut and pasted into the release description for the next release, so the Markdown for the change descriptions must be compatible with GitHub’s Markdown conventions for the release description. Specifically:

  • Each bullet point should be entirely on one line, even if it contains multiple sentences. This is an exception to the normal documentation convention of a newline after each sentence. Unfortunately, GitHub interprets those newlines as hard line breaks, so they would result in an ugly release description.

  • Avoid using too much complex markup, such as nested bullet lists, since the formatting in the GitHub release description may not be what you expect and manually editing it is tedious.

Style guide


  • Gafaelfawr follows the SQR-072 Python style guide.

  • The code formatting follows PEP 8, though in practice lean on Black and isort to format the code for you.

  • Use PEP 484 type annotations. The tox run -e typing test environment, which runs mypy, ensures that the project’s types are consistent.

  • Gafaelfawr uses the Ruff linter with most checks enabled. Try to avoid noqa markers except for issues that need to be fixed in the future. Tests that generate false positives should normally be disabled, but if the lint error can be avoided with minor rewriting that doesn’t make the code harder to read, prefer the rewriting.

  • Write tests for Pytest.
