Authentication providers

Gafaelfawr supports two choices of authentication provider: GitHub and OpenID Connect. The authentication provider is chosen based on whether the config.github.clientId, config.cilogon.clientId, or config.oidc.clientId settings are present. See Authentication provider for more information.

The username obtained from the authentication provider must meet the requirements specified in DMTN-225.

OpenID Connect

When configured to use an OpenID Connect provider (either CILogon or generic OpenID Connect), Gafaelfawr obtains the ID token from the provider after authentication and then stores key pieces of data from it as the underlying data of a token.

  • Username is taken from the claim set in the config.cilogon.usernameClaim or config.oidc.usernameClaim setting.

  • UID (unless LDAP or Firestore are used for UIDs) is taken from the claim set in the config.cilogon.uidClaim or config.oidc.uidClaim setting and is converted to a number.

  • Name (unless LDAP is used) is taken from the name claim if it exists.

  • Email address (unless LDAP is used) is taken from the email claim if it exists.

  • Groups (unless LDAP is used) are taken from the isMemberOf claim if it exists.

The scope of the token will be based on the group membership and the config.groupMapping Helm chart value. See Scopes for more details.

Registration with the OpenID Connect provider must be done in advance, outside of Gafaelfawr. Refresh tokens are not used.


The token created after GitHub authentication is based on information retrieved from the GitHub API. The username will be taken from the login value returned by the /user API route, forced to lowercase. The UID will be taken from the id value returned by the /user API route. The name will be taken from the name value returned by the /user API route. The email address will be taken from the address tagged primary in the addresses returned by the /user/emails API route. The group membership will be taken from the user’s team membership. See Groups from GitHub for more details. The scope of the token will be based on the group membership and the config.groupMapping configuration setting.

LDAP and Firestore are not supported as sources of user metadata when GitHub is used as an authentication provider.

Groups from GitHub

When GitHub is used as an authentication provider, Gafaelfawr synthesizes groups from GitHub teams.

Each team membership that an authenticated user has on GitHub (and releases through the GitHub OAuth authentication) will be mapped to a group. The default group name is <organization>-<team-slug> where <organization> is the login attribute (forced to lowercase) of the organization containing the team and <team-slug> is the slug attribute of the team. These values are retrieved through the /user/teams API route.

The slug attribute is constructed by GitHub based on the name. It’s a canonicalization of the name that removes case differences and replaces special characters like space with a dash.

Since group names are limited to 32 characters, if that name is longer than 32 characters, it will be truncated and made unique. The full, long group name will be hashed (with SHA-256), and truncated at 25 characters, and then a dash and the first six characters of the URL-safe-base64-encoded hash will be appended.

The GID for each group will be the id of the team.