- pydantic model gafaelfawr.models.oidc.JWKS¶
Schema for the
endpoint.- Parameters:
data (
Show JSON schema
{ "title": "JWKS", "description": "Schema for the ``/.well-known/jwks.json`` endpoint.", "type": "object", "properties": { "keys": { "description": "Valid signing keys for OpenID Connect JWTs", "items": { "$ref": "#/$defs/JWK" }, "title": "Signing keys", "type": "array" } }, "$defs": { "JWK": { "description": "The schema for a JSON Web Key (RFCs 7517 and 7518).", "properties": { "alg": { "description": "Will always be ``RS256``", "examples": [ "RS256" ], "title": "Algorithm", "type": "string" }, "kty": { "description": "Will always be ``RSA``", "examples": [ "RSA" ], "title": "Key type", "type": "string" }, "use": { "description": "Will always be ``sig`` (signatures)", "examples": [ "sig" ], "title": "Key usage", "type": "string" }, "kid": { "anyOf": [ { "type": "string" }, { "type": "null" } ], "default": null, "description": "A name for the key, also used in the header of a JWT signed by that key. Allows the signer to have multiple valid keys at a time and thus support key rotation.", "examples": [ "some-key-id" ], "title": "Key ID" }, "n": { "description": "Big-endian modulus component of the RSA public key encoded in URL-safe base64 without trailing padding", "examples": [ "ANKiIsSRoHb4n9xumf17III4O74-eYEMIb6KgGZmC9g7besYXa8vFi-FyHGhI9hUkaR0UeGLfsB18NWmdVmfGk1kiHOHVEXVjmr40FH8nGIU9Bh9bUwUlm18BEadHwoXCoiHW6Tm6cFNX8ANmOO3px99mpL5hd3Z2HFeKC230vpQ7ufbLj_QMIpFw3h-UOcJ9Yro_GFQB7tObL34HyrnzR-pS9DaAzQ0oGUwBHx-9b5iw75A2VEOraDoKgBlTuZgQpfGM8hJHJcEkg9htWceQfTCPAG7kP9p0K_bF3BM-8zXw53eE7g3Nd8Yz3875PrPIG7JeKWz7mef8YNmv331fXc" ], "title": "RSA modulus", "type": "string" }, "e": { "description": "Big-endian exponent component of the RSA public key encoded in URL-safe base64 without trailing padding", "examples": [ "AQAB" ], "title": "RSA exponent", "type": "string" } }, "required": [ "alg", "kty", "use", "n", "e" ], "title": "JWK", "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "keys" ] }
- field keys: list[JWK] [Required]¶
Valid signing keys for OpenID Connect JWTs