Configuring ingress with GafaelfawrIngress

To create an Ingress for protected services, use the GafaelfawrIngress custom resource.

Gafaelfawr only supports HTTP ingresses and only supports a limited subset of the full syntax for the rules and tls keys for the GafaelfawrIngress resource. See How Gafaelfawr-protected ingresses work for an overview of how Gafaelfawr protects services.

Basic configuration

Rather than creating an Ingress resource for a protected service, create a GafaelfawrIngress resource.

Here is a simple example, which requires read:all scope to access a service, does not delegate tokens, and returns 401 errors to unauthorized users rather than redirecting them to the login page.

kind: GafaelfawrIngress
  name: service-ingress
  namespace: service
      - "read:all"
  service: service
    name: service-ingress
      - host:
            - path: /foo
              pathType: Prefix
                  name: service
                    name: http

The apiVersion and kind keys must always have those values.

The metadata section is standard Kubernetes resource metadata. You can add labels and annotations here if you wish, but they will have no effect on the generated Ingress resource.

For the configuration options discussed in the rest of this page, only the relevant portion of the GafaelfawrIngress resource is shown. Add the example configuration to the above full resource to get a valid GafaelfawrIngress resource.

config section

The config section configures Gafaelfawr. Here, only the two mandatory parameters are shown. Many other settings are possible and are discussed below.

config.scopes specifies the scopes required to access this service and is required. The scopes can be listed under either all, meaning that all of those scopes are required, or any, meaning that any one of those scopes is required. Only one of all or any may be given. Alternately, the ingress can be anonymous; see Anonymous ingresses for details on that.

config.service names the service underlying this ingress. This is used for logging, metrics, and token delegation (see Requesting delegated tokens). This setting is not technically required currently, but will become mandatory in the future and should always be provided.

template section

The template section is a template for the Ingress resource. It uses a subset of the Ingress schema. specifies the name of the Ingress resource to create and must be present.

template.metadata.labels and template.metadata.annotations may be set to add labels and annotations to the created Ingress, in addition to the annotations that will be added by Gafaelfawr. Gafaelfawr will always add the label with the value Gafaelfawr, overriding any label by that name specified here.

template.spec.rules are the normal Ingress routing rules. Only the above structure is supported, but all standard pathType options are supported, as is using either name or number for the port. template.spec.tls may also be given and, if present, uses the same schema as the normal tls section of an Ingress.

Unless the ingress is anonymous or disables cookie authentication, the hosts listed in all ingress rules must either match the host of the configured Gafaelfawr base URL or (only if config.allowSubdomains is enabled) be a subdomain of that host.

Redirecting users to log in

By default, unauthenticated users receive a 401 response from Gafaelfawr, which is passed back to the user by NGINX.

If you want unauthorized users to be redirected to the login page instead, use the config.loginRedirect parameter:

  loginRedirect: true

This setting should be used for services that are normally accessed interactively from a web browser. It cannot be used with the config.allowCookies parameter set to false (see Disallowing cookie authentication).

Do not set this to true if the ingress is not running under the same host and port as the Gafaelfawr base URL for the environment. It will not work correctly.

Changing the challenge type

When presenting an authentication challenge (a 401 response) instead of redirecting the user to the login page, the default is to request a bearer token (RFC 6750). In some cases, you may want Gafaelfawr to request Basic authentication (RFC 7617) instead. Do this with the config.authType parameter:

  authType: basic

This will normally cause the browser to pop up a request for username and password. This setting cannot be used with config.loginRedirect; Gafaelfawr can either redirect the user or present a challenge, but not both.

Requesting delegated tokens

Some services may need to make additional web requests on behalf of the user to other services protected by Gafaelfawr.

Internal tokens

Services may request an internal token from Gafaelfawr using the config.delegate parameter:

        - "read:image"
        - "read:tap"

The resulting token will be marked as delegated to the service of the ingress as configured in config.service. This information will be used in logging and metrics, and can be used to restrict access to only specific services (see Service-only ingresses).

config.delegate.internal.scopes is a list of scopes requested for the internal token. The delegated token will have these scopes if the token used by the user to authenticate to the service had these scopes.

The scopes listed here are not mandatory; if the user’s authentication token didn’t have them, the Gafaelfawr authorization check will still succeed, the internal delegated token will be provided, but it will not have the missing scopes. If the scopes must always be present, also list them in config.scopes.all as required to access this service.

config.delegate.internal.service overrides config.service when determining the service associated with the delegated token, and is mandatory if config.service isn’t set. This setting is deprecated; set config.service instead.

The delegated token will be included in the request to the protected service in the X-Auth-Request-Token HTTP header. This token may be used in an Authorization header with type bearer to make requests to other protected services. It can also be verified and used to obtain information about a user by presenting it in an Authorization header with type bearer to either of the /auth/v1/api/token-info or /auth/v1/api/user-info Gafaelfawr routes.

Notebook tokens

As a special case, JupyterLab notebooks can request a type of internal token called a notebook token, which will always have the same scope as the user’s session token (and thus can do anything the user can do). To request such a token, use this configuration instead:

    notebook: {}

Note that the config.delegate.notebook key must be empty. (This allows for possible future configuration options.)

Minimum token lifetime

For either internal or notebook tokens, the service can request the token have a minimum lifetime:

    minimumLifetime: 3600

This value is in seconds, so the above requests a minimum lifetime of one hour.

If the user’s authentication token does not have a sufficient remaining lifetime to create an internal or notebook token with at least this remaining life, the request will be treated the same as if the user had no token. In other words, they will receive either a 401 response or be redirected to the login page, depending on the value of config.loginRedirect. Presumably logging in again will create a token with sufficient remaining lifetime to satisfy this restriction.

Obviously, do not request a minimum lifetime longer than the default token lifetime! See Token lifetime for more details.

Delegate token in Authorization header

The delegated token is passed to the protected service in the X-Auth-Request-Token header, but this is a custom Gafaelfawr header. Some services may expect that token to be passed in the Authorization header as a bearer token, as specified in RFC 6750. To tell Gafaelfawr to do this, use:

    useAuthorization: true

The same token will also still be passed in the X-Auth-Request-Token header.

If this configuration option is set, the incoming Authorization header will be entirely replaced by one containing only the delegated token, unlike Gafaelfawr’s normal behavior of preserving any incoming Authorization header that doesn’t include a Gafaelfawr token.


By default, Gafaelfawr is consulted for every HTTP request handled by the NGINX ingress.

For lower-volume API services, this is normally desirable, but for interactive web sites that may load large numbers of supporting resources or make a large number of small HTTP requests, this can cause unnecessary load on NGINX and Gafaelfawr. In those cases, you may wish to trade some security and predictability for performance by telling NGINX to cache the Gafaelfawr response for a short period of time.

You can do this with the authCacheDuration setting:

  authCacheDuration: 5m

The value must be an NGINX time interval. 5m for five minutes represents a reasonable tradeoff between respecting token invalidation and reducing the NGINX and Gafaelfawr load.

The cache is automatically invalidated if the Cookie or Authorization HTTP headers change.


Enabling authentication caching means that not all requests to the service will be passed to Gafaelfawr. That, in turn, means that Gafaelfawr cannot enforce rate limiting. Only the uncached requests will count against the rate limit. For services that require rate limiting, either do not use authCacheDuration or implement rate limiting some other way, such as directly inside the protected service.

Service-only ingresses

Sometimes it is useful to restrict an ingress to only allow access from other services acting on behalf of users. For example, in a microservice architecture, a user-facing service may call out to other internal services to perform part of its work, but users should not be able to access the internal services directly.

Gafaelfawr supports this use case with ingresses that can only be accessed by tokens issued to other services. Normally this is an internal token delegated to a service via its ingress.

To restrict an ingress to only access by a list of other services, use the onlyServices setting:

    - portal
    - vo-cutouts

The value is a list of service names that should be allowed access. All other services, and all direct access by users, will be denied.

The names of the services listed here must match the service name in issued tokens that should be permitted access. This is configured in config.service in the ingress for the calling service.

For example, suppose there are two services, user-service and backend-service. The user will make direct requests to user-service. backend-service wants to only allow requests from user-service, but not directly from users. In this case, the ingress for user-service should set config.service to user-service and request delegated internal tokens. The ingress for backend-service should then set config.onlyServices to ["user-service"].

All other access restrictions are still applied in addition to the service restrictions. So, for example, if the internal token from a listed service doesn’t have a required scope, Gafaelfawr will still reject the request.

Per-user ingresses

List of allowed users

Access to an ingress may be restricted to a specific user as follows:

  username: <username>

Any user other than the one with the username <username> will then receive a 403 error. The scope requirements must still be met to allow access.

Per-user hostnames

In some cases, you may wish Gafaelfawr to enforce that the hostname in the URL of the service that Gafaelfawr is protecting contain the username of the authenticated user. One common example of this use case is per-user subdomains for Jupyter labs. In this case, every user gets their own hostname for their lab, which ensures that JavaScript origins are kept isolated, and only the matching user should be allowed to access that hostname.

Gafaelfawr supports this in a GafaelfawrIngress with the following configuration:

  userDomain: true

With this setting, Gafaelfawr requires that the first component of the hostname portion of the request URL match the authenticated username, and that the hostname as a whole be a subdomain of the domain of Gafaelfawr’s base URL. For example, assuming a base URL of, user someone would be allowed access to URLs with hostnames or but not or

With only this setting, this is the only restriction applied, but this setting stacks with all of Gafaelfawr’s other access control settings, including scope, username, and service.

This option is normally used in conjunction with Gafaelfawr’s subdomain support. See Subdomains.

Anonymous ingresses

An anonymous ingress (one that doesn’t require authentication and performs no authorization checks) can be configured using GafaelfawrIngress as follows:

    anonymous: true

None of the other configuration options are supported in this mode.

The reason to use this configuration over simply writing an Ingress resource directly is that Gafaelfawr will still be invoked to strip Gafaelfawr tokens and secrets from the request before it is passed to the underlying service. This prevents credential leakage to anonymous services. See Header filtering for more details.

Locating Gafaelfawr-managed ingresses

Gafaelfawr adds the label with the value Gafaelfawr to all of the ingresses that it generates from GafaelfawrIngress resources. This label can be used to locate all Gafaelfawr-managed Ingress resources, or all Ingress resources not managed by Gafaelfawr.

Request headers

The following headers will be added by Gafaelfawr to the incoming request before it is sent to the protected service.


The email address of the authenticated user, if available.


If the authenticating token is an internal token issued to a service, the name of the service authenticating on behalf of the user.


The username of the authenticated user.

In addition, if a delegated token was requested, it will be sent in the X-Auth-Request-Token HTTP header as discussed in Requesting delegated tokens. If token delegation via the Authorization header is requested (see Delegate token in Authorization header), the delegated token will also be sent in an Authorization header with type bearer.

HTTP headers starting with X-Auth-Request-* are reserved for Gafaelfawr. More headers may be added in the future.

As discussed in Header filtering, Gafaelfawr also modifies the Authorization and Cookie headers to hide Gafaelfawr’s own tokens and cookies. This should be invisible to the protected application, and it can still set and receive its own cookies.