
pydantic model gafaelfawr.config.OIDCServerSettings

pydantic model of issuer configuration.


data (Any)

Show JSON schema
   "title": "OIDCServerSettings",
   "description": "pydantic model of issuer configuration.",
   "type": "object",
   "properties": {
      "issuer": {
         "format": "uri",
         "maxLength": 2083,
         "minLength": 1,
         "title": "Issuer",
         "type": "string"
      "keyId": {
         "title": "Keyid",
         "type": "string"
      "keyFile": {
         "format": "path",
         "title": "Keyfile",
         "type": "string"
      "secretsFile": {
         "format": "path",
         "title": "Secretsfile",
         "type": "string"
      "dataRightsMapping": {
         "additionalProperties": {
            "items": {
               "type": "string"
            "type": "array"
         "default": {},
         "description": "Mapping of group names to keywords for data releases, indicating membership in that group grants access to that data release. Used to construct the ``data_rights`` claim, which can be requested by asking for the ``rubin`` scope.",
         "examples": [
               "g_users": [
         "title": "Group to data rights mapping",
         "type": "object"
   "required": [

field dataRightsMapping: dict[str, list[str]] = {} (name 'data_rights_mapping')

Mapping of group names to keywords for data releases, indicating membership in that group grants access to that data release. Used to construct the data_rights claim, which can be requested by asking for the rubin scope.

field issuer: HttpsUrl [Required]

iss (issuer) field in issued tokens.

  • max_length = 2083

  • allowed_schemes = [‘https’]

  • host_required = True

field keyFile: Path [Required] (name 'key_file')

File containing RSA private key for signing issued tokens.

field keyId: str [Required] (name 'key_id')

kid (key ID) header field in issued tokens.

field secretsFile: Path [Required] (name 'secrets_file')

Path to file containing OpenID Connect client secrets in JSON.